Two decades ago, the criterion to be a Warrant Officer in the RMAF are as follows:
- Duly confirmed the rank of Flight Sergeant.
- Duly attended an RMAF Leadership Course at the Air Force Institute of Technology(ITU), Kinrara.
- Duly attended an RMAF Instructional Technique Course at Institut Teknologi Udara(ITU), Kinrara.
- Duly attended an RMAF Warrant Officer's Course at ITU, Kinrara.
- Duly attended on any course in country and abroad or from other tri-services command will be an advantage.
- Duly recommended by the unit Commanding Officer.
- Duly passed an interview for a Warrant Officer's post with a board of selection panel at the Department of the Air Force, Ministry of Defense(MINDEF).
The School for RMAF Warrant Officers
Junior Leadership Course # 26.
AFAITC Lowry AFB, Colorado.
Standing front row from L to R: Self # 4.
Issued at Lowry AFB,Colorado.
Issued at Bergstrom AFB,Texas.
Standing front row from L to R: Self # 4.
Issued at Lowry AFB,Colorado.
Issued at Bergstrom AFB,Texas.
Sitting from left: Self #9.
Instructional Technique Course # 39
Standing from left: Self #6
Self receiving the Warrant Officer's Scroll from Maj(U) Zainal.
Warrant Officer Course # 5.
* RMAF(Royal Malaysian Air Force) or TUDM(Tentera Udara Di Raja Malaysia).